The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Dissertation Defense of student Silvandra Cardoso Gonçalves, entitled Everything there they used tipiti to squeeze dough, there's a pestle  They are objects that were used by our grandparents...”: The Black Museum Lúcia Maria Cardoso - Quilombo San José of the black - Guimarães – Maranhão, which will take place on February 29, 2024, at 1:30 pm, in a virtual PPGA/IFCH environment.

The Examining Board will be composed of Professors with PhDs:

Carlos Alberto Santos Costa - UFRB – external examiner

Júlia Otero Santos – PPGA/UFPA - internal examiner

Clarice Bianchezzi – UEA - alternate external examiner

Renata de Godoy – PPGA/UFPA – substitute internal examiner

Marcia Bezerra de Almeida – PPGA/UFPA – advisor and president