Training workshop for a indigenous community

In 2013, the Program promoted a teacher training workshop entitled "Curriculum and Cultural Diversity: attendance and absences at school" offered at schools attended by children, adolescents and adults of the Tembé-Tenetehara indigenous community to 30 resident teachers of the Jeju and Areal Village, located in Santa Maria do Pará. The motivation came from the indigenous community itself, which in 2009, requested, through the leader Almir Vital da Silva, advice and technical support from professores and students of the Program. From this, the research group Cidade, Aldeia & Patrimônio, led by Professor Jane F. Beltrão, set up a research project that was sponsored by CNPq through the Universal Notice in 2012. The project also had a partnership with the Ford Foundation. In the year 2014, several other actions were taken, such as the elaboration of didactic material for use in schools. The main innovation of the project was the interlocution with indigenous peoples in symmetrical perspective. Professor Assis da Costa Oliveira (Campus de Altamira) and student Edimar Antonio Fernandes were involved.


Archeology and the public in Murutucu Mill

Through a research project coordinated by Professor Diogo Costa and developed by professors and students of the PPGA, and members of GAHiA (Portuguese acronym) - Amazonian Historical Archeology Research Group, the Program carried out several actions with the objective of making public access to the archaeological- historical Murutucu mill. A program of visitation to the site was established by academic and non-academic audiences and activities of interaction with the cultural patrimony present in the space. For this purpose, informative materials on the history and on-site research were produced, as well as monitored visits and lectures. The project was carried out in partnership with Embrapa and Ceasa. There were more than 100 folders distributed, more than 5,000 views on the site, 29 guided tours in 2014, and 36 guided tours in 2015.


Multimedia Exhibition of Visual Anthropology "Africa Curious Looks". A Contribution to the Implementation of Law 10.639

Considering that the National Curricular Guidelines for the Education of Ethnic-Racial Relations and for the Teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture, it has been pointed out the need for the creation and dissemination of technical material that contributes to the implementation of Law 10639/03 since 2011. This extension project coordinated by Professor Hilton P. Silva has already circulated through several schools in the countryside and the capital and public galleries, being visited by more than 2500 people. The multimedia exhibition featuring photographs, videos, music and objects of African and quilombola origin, brings a reflective anthropological experience on ethnic-racial diversity, a culture of peace and tolerance, and appreciation of African and Afro-Brazilian corporeity and culture, contributing to create dynamic ways of implementing the spirit of the Law in schools. The exhibition was developed in partnership with COPPIR / SEDUC-PA and Casa Brasil-África of UFPA. A sample of the photos of the exhibition is available at: