The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Dissertation Defense of student Bruna Soares do Vale entitled Roses of Saron: Ethnography of an “occupation”, ways of resisting, fighting and making art in Ananindeua, which will take place on November 23, 2023 at 2 pm, in the PPGA/IFCH mini-auditorium.

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Thesis Defense of student Raimundo Ney da Cruz Gomes, entitled Archaeological fieldwork at a site in Campina, Historic Center of Belém – Subjects, Landscape and Material Culture, which will take place on October 19, 2023 at 2pm, in Room 19 – PPGA - Postgraduate Building (IFCH -UFPA).

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Thesis Defense of student Eliene dos Santos Rodrigues - Putira Sacuena, entitled Indigenous Health: With Notebook and Pen in Hand Bringing Social Determinants, Epidemiology, Genetics/Ancestry and Indigenous Peoples in the COVID-19 Pandemic, Amazonas - Brazil, which will take place on October 11, 2023 at 2 pm, in the João Paulo do Valle Mendes auditorium of the Institute of Biological Sciences (ICB/UFPA).

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Dissertation Defense of student Paulo Victor Neri Cardeal entitled Indigenous Peoples in the Report Papers Figueiredo: an ethnography of torture, which will take place on September 29, 2023 at 3 pm in a virtual environment at PPGA/IFCH.

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Thesis Defense of student Rosenildo da Costa Pereira, entitled Ethnic identity, forms of institutional framework, ways of doing things and practices of use of Amazonian riverside dwellers: the case of the quilombola settlement on the island of Campompema, Abaetetuba, Pará, which will take place on September 19, 2023 at 2 pm, in a virtual environment at PPGA/IFCH.

The Graduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Thesis Defense of the student Neusani Oliveira Ives Felix, entitled Tentehar Agrobiodiversity in Olho D’Água Village, Maranhão: trajectories, knowledge and practices, which will take place on September 8, 2023 at 9 am, in room number 30 of the Amazonian Institute of Family Agriculture (INEAF-UFPA).

The Graduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Dissertation Defense of the student Nadison Gomes de Oliveira entitled The potential of material culture in museum education on forms of violence in the Amazon, which will take place on July 4, 2023 at 10 am in a virtual environment of the GAPP/IFCH.

The Graduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Dissertation Defense of the student Antônio da Conceição Pacheco Neto entitled Journey through a living and active cartography: an ethnography of conservation of the Ethnohistorical Map of Brazil and adjacent regions (1943), by Curt Nimuendaju, which will take place on May 25, 2023 at 2 pm in a virtual environment of the PPGA/IFCH.

The Graduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Thesis Defense of the student Ramiro Esdras Carneiro Batista, entitled On colonialisms and situated memories: history, anthropophagy and war technology in the Guyanese wars, which will take place on May 9, 2023 at 2:30 pm in virtual environment of PPGA/IFCH.

The Graduate Program in Anthropology at the Federal University of Pará (PPGA/UFPA) publicly repudiates any type of association between archaeologist Denise Pahl Schaan and conspiracy theories related to fantastic inventions about archeology in the Amazon.

To those who are interested in what there really is about Amazonian archeology, and about the legacy of Denise Pahl Schaan, we invite you to read the special edition that we created in her honor, here:

We invite you to get to know her here:

For those who still want more information, find in your Lattes curriculum:


The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology announces the opening of registrations for the holding of Public Contests of Tests and Titles for the provision of positions of Professor of the Higher Teaching Career for the permanent staff of the Federal University of Pará, in the area of Bioanthropology.
