The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology announces the Dissertation Defense of the student Roldán Dunú Tumi Dësi, entitled TPiucquid nibëdec: El dinero entre los matsés de Buenas Lomas Antigua, Amazonía Peruana, which will take place on January 29, 2025, at 2 pm, in the virtual environment of PPGA/IFCH.
The Examining Board will be composed of the following Professors:
Luísa Elvira Belaunde Olschewski - UNMSM – external examiner
Júlia Otero dos Santos - PPGA/UFPA - internal examiner
Fábio Augusto Nogueira Ribeiro – USP - alternate external examiner
Fabiano de Souza Gontijo – PPGA/UFPA – alternate internal examiner
Beatriz de Almeida Matos – PPGA/UFPA – advisor and chair