The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Thesis Defense of student Mariluzio Araujo Moreira da Silva, entitled The issue of missing persons in Brazil: from identification to return to society, which will take place on February 27, 2025 at 9 am, in the PPGA virtual environment. 

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology announces the Dissertation Defense of the student Elayne Guimarães Dias Menezes, entitled Between memories and things: the childhood of riverside residents from Marajó told through toys, which will take place on february 11, 2025 at 9:00 am, in the virtual environment of PPGA/IFCH.

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology announces the Dissertation Defense of the student Vinícius Bastos de Souza Rolim, entitled Toré: political ritual in the process of territorialization and reoccupation of the Xukuru of Ororubá,, which will take place on January 28, 2025, at 9:30 pm, in the virtual environment of PPGA/IFCH.

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology announces the Dissertation Defense of the student Roldán Dunú Tumi Dësi, entitled TPiucquid nibëdec: El dinero entre los matsés de Buenas Lomas Antigua, Amazonía Peruana, which will take place on January 29, 2025, at 2 pm, in the virtual environment of PPGA/IFCH.

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology announces the Dissertation Defense of the student Fernando de Souza Neto, entitled The de-riotized indigenous people: world disputes between the Xikrin of Bacajá and Belo Monte, which will take place on December 5, 2024, at 9 am, in the virtual environment of PPGA/IFCH.

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology announces the Dissertation Defense of student Bárbara Vieira Dias, entitled Physical Activity of Paleoamericans from Pond Saint, Mines General: analysis of the geometric properties of the cross-section of long bones, which will take place on November 7, 2024, at 5 pm, in a virtual environment of PPGA/IFCH.

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology announces the Dissertation Defense of student Gabriel Rodrigues Barbosa, entitled Echoes of a Haunted Theater: a case study on the relationships between materiality, visions and the Peace Theater, Belém (PA), which will take place on September 30, 2024, at 9:30 am, in a virtual environment of PPGA/IFCH.

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Thesis Defense of student Emilly Cristine Barbosa dos Santos, entitled Reflections on the management of museum collections for the preservation of archaeological heritage, which will take place on September 9, 2024 at 2 pm, in a virtual PPGA environment.

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology announces the Thesis Defense of student Maria Cristina Simões Viviani, entitled “Póngase las plumas” decoloniality in the contemporary visual arts system from the perspective of gender and dissident bodies: complexities and contradictions between Brazil, Colombia and Peru, which will take place on August 30, 2024 at 2 pm, in a virtual environment of the PPGA.

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology announces the Dissertation Defense of student Thamiris Dias Arraes, entitled Crime, Madness and Subjectivities within the scope of security measures in Pará: Impacts of CNJ Resolution No. 487/2023, which will take place on August 29, 2024, at 2 pm, in the virtual environment of PPGA/IFCH.

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Thesis Defense of student Ana Paula Claudino Gonçalves, entitled Between the past and the contemporary: Mercedários UFPA and archaeological and anthropological work in an Amazonian capital, which will take place on July 5, 2024 at 3 pm, in a virtual environment at PPGA.

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Dissertation Defense of student Kelly Pantoja Rodrigues, entitled People of the water between fishing and shamanism: The daily life of a fishing community around Shamanism in Vila de Joanes – Marajó, which will take place on June 28, 2024, at 2 pm, in a virtual environment at PPGA/IFCH.