The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology announces the Thesis Defense of student Maria Cristina Simões Viviani, entitled “Póngase las plumas” decoloniality in the contemporary visual arts system from the perspective of gender and dissident bodies: complexities and contradictions between Brazil, Colombia and Peru, which will take place on August 30, 2024 at 2 pm, in a virtual environment of the PPGA.

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology announces the Dissertation Defense of student Thamiris Dias Arraes, entitled Crime, Madness and Subjectivities within the scope of security measures in Pará: Impacts of CNJ Resolution No. 487/2023, which will take place on August 29, 2024, at 2 pm, in the virtual environment of PPGA/IFCH.

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Thesis Defense of student Ana Paula Claudino Gonçalves, entitled Between the past and the contemporary: Mercedários UFPA and archaeological and anthropological work in an Amazonian capital, which will take place on July 5, 2024 at 3 pm, in a virtual environment at PPGA.

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Dissertation Defense of student Kelly Pantoja Rodrigues, entitled People of the water between fishing and shamanism: The daily life of a fishing community around Shamanism in Vila de Joanes – Marajó, which will take place on June 28, 2024, at 2 pm, in a virtual environment at PPGA/IFCH.

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Dissertation Defense of student Luísa Daccache Suriani, entitled Between registration and uncertainty: a study on indigenous peoples in isolation in the Javari Valley, which will take place on June 28, 2024, at 9:30 am, in a virtual environment at PPGA/IFCH.

The Graduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Dissertation Defense of student Antonio Marcos Araújo Guimarães, entitled A Study on the Materiality of the Amazon Rubber Tree in an Archaeological-Historical Site in the Middle Xingu-PA, which will take place on June 21, 2024, at 2 pm, in a virtual environment of the PPGA/IFCH.

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Thesis Defense of student Emilly Cristine Barbosa dos Santos, entitled Collections listed in saturated technical reserves: the institutional abandonment of archaeological heritage, which will take place on June 7, 2024 at 2 pm, in a virtual PPGA environment.

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Thesis Defense of student Peti Mama Gomes, entitled Gender paths in the beasts of Bissau: resilience and challenges of Guinean women in contexts of vulnerability in the face of the social and economic impacts of COVID-19, which will take place on April 24, 2024 at 2:30 pm, in a virtual PPGA environment.

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Dissertation Defense of student Alana Pereira da Silva entitled “The church cracked”: an ethnography of dissent and gender dramas in the daimista circuit of Marabá – PA, which will take place on April 4, 2024 at 2 pm in a virtual environment at PPGA/IFCH.

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Dissertation Defense of student Silvandra Cardoso Gonçalves, entitled Everything there they used tipiti to squeeze dough, there's a pestle  They are objects that were used by our grandparents...”: The Black Museum Lúcia Maria Cardoso - Quilombo San José of the black - Guimarães – Maranhão, which will take place on February 29, 2024, at 1:30 pm, in a virtual PPGA/IFCH environment.

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Thesis Defense of student Juliene Pereira dos Santos, entitled Specific territorialities in the Upper Trombetas River: Reflexivity on the Ways of Life of Quilombolas in Conflict with Large Projects, which will take place on February 20, 2024 at 9 am, in a virtual PPGA environment.

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology publishes the Dissertation Defense of student Tatiane Silva Sousa entitled From syringe to flour: production and way of life in the Riozinho da Liberdade Extractive Reserve, Juruá Valley - Acre, which will take place on November 27, 2023 at 2:30 pm in a virtual environment at PPGA/IFCH.