The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology announces the Thesis Defense of student Maria Cristina Simões Viviani, entitled “Póngase las plumas” decoloniality in the contemporary visual arts system from the perspective of gender and dissident bodies: complexities and contradictions between Brazil, Colombia and Peru, which will take place on August 30, 2024 at 2 pm, in a virtual environment of the PPGA.

The Examining Board will be composed of the following Professors:

Luisa Elvira Belaunde Olschewski – Universidad de San Marcos, Peru – external examiner

Danielle Parfentieff de Noronha – UFF - external examiner

Michele Escoura Bueno – PPGSA/UFPA - external examiner

Marcia Bezerra de Almeida – PPGA/UFPA – internal examiner

Katiane Silva – PPGA/UFPA – internal examiner

Orlando Maneschy – ICA/UFPA – alternate external examiner

Beatriz de Almeida Matos – PPGA/UFPA – alternate internal examiner

Fabiano de Souza Gontijo – PPGA/UFPA – advisor and chair