The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology discloses the Dissertation Defense of the student Gisela da Silva Campos entitled The Use of Iconography of Archaeological Ceramics in the Handicrafts of the Mud Women Center, Parauapebas, Pará, Amazon, which will take place on November 21, 2022 at 9:30 am in the PPGA/IFCH virtual environment.

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology discloses the Dissertation Defense of the student Elianete de Sousa Guimarães entitled Process of territorial occupation and ethnic resistance in Marajó: the case of Quilombo do Rosário/Mangabal, Salvaterra, which will take place on October 10, 2022 at 9 am in the PPGA/IFCH virtual environment.

The Postgraduate Program in Anthropology promotes the V National Forum of Archaeological Collections, which LADS/PPGA is organizing in partnership with MPEG and Secult/PA. On the occasion, I request the disclosure of this event on the website and social media of our program.

Registration for the presentation of works will be open until 09/23/22, through the website:

For listeners, they will be open until 10/31/22 and will open again in person during the event.